Exercise Change
Athletes & Exercise Enthusiasts
Experts Talk About Exercise Motivation and Change
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Exercise MP3's
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EXERCISE MP3 track list
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Five round work outs with 30 second rest breaks
5, 1 minute rounds with 30 seconds rest between rounds, total time, 7 minutes 30 seconds
5, 2 minute rounds with 30 seconds rest between rounds, total time, 12 minutes 30 seconds
5, 3 minute rounds with 30 seconds rest between rounds, total time, 17 minutes 30 seconds
5, 4 minute rounds with 30 seconds rest between rounds, total time, 22 minutes 30 seconds
Five round work outs with 1 min rest breaks
5, 1 minute rounds with 1 minutes rest between rounds, total time, 10 minutes
5, 2 minute rounds with 1 minutes rest between rounds, total time, 15 minutes
5, 3 minute rounds with 1 minutes rest between rounds, total time, 20 minutes
5, 4 minute rounds with 1 minutes rest between rounds, total time, 25 minutes
Five round work outs with 2 min rest breaks
5, 1 minute rounds with 2 minutes rest between rounds, total time, 15 minutes
5, 2 minute rounds with 2 minutes rest between rounds, total time, 20 minutes
5, 3 minute rounds with 2 minutes rest between rounds, total time, 25 minutes
5, 4 minute rounds with 2 minutes rest between rounds, total time, 30 minutes
30 second rounds with varying rest
10, 30 second rounds with 30 seconds rest between rounds, total time, 10 minutes
10, 30 second rounds with 1 minutes rest between rounds, total time, 15 minutes
10, 30 second rounds with 1 minutes 30 seconds rest between rounds, total time, 20 minutes
10, 30 second rounds with 2 minutes rest between rounds, total time, 25 minutes
Ascending, descending and pyramid rounds
Descending rounds - 4, 3, 2 and 1 minute rounds with 1 minutes rest between rounds, total time 14 minutes
Ascending rounds - 1, 2, 3 and 4 minute rounds with 1 minutes rest between rounds, total time 14 minutes
Pyramid rounds - 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2 and 1 minute rounds with 1 minutes rest between, total time 23 minutes
Pyramid rounds - 1, 2, 3, 2 and 1 minute rounds with 1 minutes rest between, total time 14 minutes
No rest routines
4, 1 minute rounds, 4, 45 second rounds, 4, 30 second rounds, 4, 15 second rounds with no rest in between rounds, total time 10 minutes
4, 1 minute 15 second rounds, 4, 1 minute rounds, 4, 45 second rounds, 4, 30 second rounds with no rest in between rounds, total time 14 minutes
4, 1 minute 30 second rounds, 4, 1 minute 15 second rounds, 4, 1 minute rounds, 4, 45 second roun
ds with no rest in between rounds, total time 18 minutes
Tabata intervals (Advanced, intermediate and beginner)
Advanced Tabata intervals. 25 seconds of work followed by 5 seconds of rest for 8 sets. Total time 4 minutes
Advanced Tabata intervals. 22 seconds of work followed by 8 seconds of rest for 8 sets. Total time 4 minutes
Tabata intervals. 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 sets. Total time 4 minutes
Beginner Tabata intervals. 15 seconds of work followed by 15 seconds of rest for 8 sets. Total time 4 minutes
Beginner Tabata intervals. 10 seconds of work followed by 20 seconds of rest for 8 sets. Total time 4 minutes
Short rounds
50, 3 second rounds with 3 seconds rest between rounds, total time, 5 minutes
50, 2 second rounds with 2 seconds rest between rounds, total time, 3 minutes 20 seconds
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Athletes & Exercise Enthusiasts
Experts Talk About Exercise Motivation and Change
By Subject, Topic or Theme