Johan Hausen - 1982
Why I Wanted to Interview Johan
For most people an intense 2 hour gymnastic training session would usually be followed by a period of rest. This apparently doesn't apply to Johan who usually follows such a session with more training! Not just any training either, but an intense session of striking trees to condition his forearms. I was interested in exploring what motivates someone to want to do this. I also wanted to know what needs to be put in place to be able to do it, as such activities are surely as demanding on the mind as they are on the body. It is this motivation and drive that I wanted to explore with Johan during our interview. Sporting Achievements & Accomplishments
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Services & Contacts Johan works in Queenstown for Queenstown Health. He can be contacted using the details below.
Interview Menu
The sacrifices I made early on made things easier for me (1:55)
Subject/Resource links: What Makes Motivated People Different? In the beginning ego played a part in wanting to train but now it’s all about the feeling of well-being I get when I train (2:31)
Subject/Resource links: Why are We Motivated to Change at All? Goals can be good but for me it’s about enjoying the journey (2:09)
Subject/Resource links: Having a Clear Direction or Goal Before Starting Finding a good coach or group is a good way to take the first steps plus it must be something you enjoy (4:24)
Subject/Resource links: Getting Started and Taking the First Steps Self-awareness is the starting point for anyone wanting to start exercising or exercise more (1:47)
Subject/Resource links: Self-Awareness and Motivation Motivation is like your mood in that there are ups and downs. You have to work with what you have at the time (1:33)
Subject/Resource links: Self-Awareness and Motivation / Being Motivated - On-going Journey or End Point? Diet, sleep and relationships as the main barriers to exercising (3:02)
Subject/Resource links: Self-Awareness and Motivation / Barriers to Motivation Training in a group and mixing things up as a way to maintain motivation (2:08)
Subject/Resource links: Maintaining Motivation The 24hr rule, exercise as a lifestyle, the value of a trainer or coach and establishing what works best for you (3:04)
Subject/Resource links: Key Ideas Insights and Advice Common sense ideas for eating and sleeping better (1:56)
Subject/Resource links: Key Ideas Insights and Advice Sometimes all it takes is a single moment to trigger change (1:29)
Subject/Resource links: Key Ideas Insights and Advice Interview - 2012