Jared Wilson - 1978
![]() Why I Wanted to Interview Jared
They say a picture speaks a thousand words. Looking at these pictures of Jared I would say the first three words spoken would be Motivated, Disciplined and Driven! To get into this kinds of shape would be a colossal challenge for many people but to do it repeatedly takes an especially motivated person. It takes someone who knows what it takes to get the most out of themselves and someone who has the will and determination to follow through on the goals they set themselves. These were the qualities I was interested in exploring with Jared during our interview. Sporting Achievements & Accomplishments
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Services & Contacts Jared doesn't offer a service but has very kindly agreed to make his email address available for those who are seeking training advice. You can email Jared at: Interview Menu
Train your mind and the body will follow (2:25)
Subject links: What Makes Motivated People Different? / Why are We Motivated to Change at All? / Building Motivation to Change Fear of failure and unhappiness as motivators (2:08)
Subject links: Why are We Motivated to Change at All? / Self-Awareness and Motivation If it's important you will find a way (2:07)
Subject links: Why are We Motivated to Change at All? / Habits and Motivation / Barriers to Motivation The reasons I regularly train and compete (2:37)
Subject links: Why are We Motivated to Change at All? / Key Ideas Insights and Advice Getting over the initial hump and sticking with it (2:50)
Subject links: Getting Started and Taking the First Steps / Barriers to Motivation / Maintaining Motivation How motivation fluctuates over time (4:29)
Subject links: Self-Awareness and Motivation / Being Motivated - On-going Journey or End Point? / Maintaining Motivation How preparation can assist with on-going motivation (2:49)
Subject links: Preparation Motivation and Change / Getting Started and Taking the First Steps / Maintaining Motivation Knowledge is power when it comes to building and maintaining motivation (1:50)
Subject links: Building Motivation to Change / Maintaining Motivation / Key Ideas Insights and Advice Self awareness of the barriers that hinder motivation to change (2:32)
Subject links: Preparation Motivation and Change / Self-Awareness and Motivation / Barriers to Motivation Some people set goals but I don't (2:08)
Subject links: Having a Clear Direction or Goal Before Getting Started / Being Motivated - On-going Journey or End Point? / Key Ideas Insights and Advice Interview - 2012