Korey Gibson - 1977
Why I Wanted to Interview Korey
Korey is someone who knows a lot about motivation. Well rounded in both his personal and professional life, Korey Gibson would like to be known as a lover of family, a businessman and gym owner, a MMA fighter, a hunter gatherer, a former Rugby League player and as someone who is hugely proud of both his Maoritanga and of being a Kiwi. I was interested in exploring what drives Korey to do the things he does, and to get his take on what role motivation has played in his success, both personally and professionally. As a gym owner and long-time athlete I was also keen to get Koreys’ take on the factors that contribute to, and take away from building and maintaining motivation. Sporting Achievements & Accomplishments
More Interesting Information
Services & Contacts As well as the Snap Fitness website Korey has a presence on a number of national and international websites. Details below: Snap Fitness
Interview Menu
Korey talks about what customers really appreciate about SNAP Fitness (2:34)
Subject/Resource links: N/A Those that don’t have a clear goal or don’t place enough emphasis on changing find it tough! (3:30)
Subject/Resource links: What Makes Motivated People Different? / Having a Clear Direction or Goal Before Starting My competitive nature, using family as motivation plus the reasons people consider change in the first place (4:55)
Subject/Resource links: Why are We Motivated to Change at All? Asking particular types of questions and answering honesty as a way to build motivation to change (4:14)
Subject/Resource links: Building Motivation to Change / Self-Awareness and Motivation Goals are great however if they are too big they need to be broken up using any of the following methods... (2:57)
Subject/Resource links: Having a Clear Direction or Goal Before Starting Good preparation leads to the formation of routines which results in great outcomes (3:11)
Subject/Resource links: Preparation Motivation and Change If you dress the part and look the part, chances are you’ll play the part (1:40)
Subject/Resource links: Getting Started and Taking the First Steps / Habits and Motivation Routines are an important part of habit formation plus removing temptations instead of trying to resist them (3:38)
Subject/Resource links: Habits and Motivation / Self-Awareness and Motivation Being self-aware allows me to manage my routines more effectively plus the importance of learning what works for you and what motivates you (4:52)
Subject/Resource links: Self-Awareness and Motivation Other people’s negative thoughts can stop you from making positive changes (4:47)
Subject/Resource links: Barriers to Motivation Maintaining motivation by shortening or varying workout times plus the power of accountability (4:17)
Subject/Resource links: Maintaining Motivation / Self-Awareness and Motivation Korey would like to thank:
Mauri Ora ki a koutou!! Interview - 2012